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Motor Insurance Database

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Information you provide that relates to your motor trade insurance policy will automatically be added to the Motor Insurance Database (“MID”) managed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (“MIB”).

The MID is the central record of all insured vehicles in the UK and the data stored on it can be used by authorised bodies including the Police, the DVLA, the DVANI and the Insurance Fraud Bureau. They can use the data held on MID for several purposes including:

  • Electronic Licensing;
  • Continuous Insurance Enforcement;
  • Law enforcement (prevention, detection, apprehension and or prosecution of offenders);
  • The provision of government services and or other services aimed at reducing the level and incidence of uninsured driving.

The aim of the MID is to reduce the incidence of uninsured driving in the UK, which is a problem that costs UK motorists over £500 million a year and can have serious implications for those people involved in road traffic accidents.


As a motor trader, specific MID requirements apply to your insurance policy, they are:

Motor vehicles owned by or registered to you or your business

Any motor vehicle that is owned by you or registered to you or your business must be declared to the MID.

Motor vehicles held for sale

Any motor vehicle that is held in stock for sale, regardless of whether it is held for 14 days or more, must be declared to MID.

Customers’ motor vehicles held for the purpose of upkeep, servicing or repair

Any motor vehicle that is held in your custody or control for the purpose of upkeep, servicing or repair does not need to be declared to the MID. However, it is a legal requirement that full records of all motor vehicles held in your custody or control are kept and maintained for a period of 7 years. Staveley Head reserve the right to inspect these records at any time.

Trade plates

Details of all trade plates must be supplied to the MID immediately they come into your possession.

What information is required?

You are legally obliged to provide the following data for each vehicle:

  • Policy NumberVehicle Registration Mark (VRM)
  • The date on which the vehicle was first insured
  • The date on which the vehicle ceased to be covered on the motor trade insurance policy

You are also encouraged, but not obliged, to supply other relevant data such as the vehicle type, make and model.

It’s also important that the MID is kept up to date so you need to remove sold vehicles as soon as possible from MID.

When should this be done?

Whether you adding or removing vehicles, the regulations state that the data must be supplied ‘immediately’. It should, therefore, be done as soon as possible, preferably on the same day, to ensure maximum benefit

How to supply updates to the MID

As a Staveley Head motor trade insurance policyholder, you can register for access to EasyMID, our online MID update portal. The portal will allow you to maintain your motor vehicle records quickly and easily.

Want an even easier MID update tool?

Now you can add and remove vehicles from the MID with our app, available for both iPhone and Android.

We constantly monitor MID update activity and regularly ask for written evidence of trading. If we are not satisfied that you are operating a genuine, income-generating motor trade
business, we reserve the right to cancel the policy by giving 7 days’ written notice to your last known address.

Failure to add a vehicle means that you may not be insured to drive the vehicle in question; failure to remove a vehicle once it has been sold means you could be liable if the vehicle is still shown on the MID in your name.

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0800 0815 029 Mon - Fri 9am - 5.30pm


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