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Uber Everywhere

Give us a call

Monday, 01 August 2016 GMT

Author: Staveley Head

If you haven’t heard of Uber, where have you been? The convenient transportation network app (or taxi service to you and me) has rapidly been taking over the world of transportation since 2009. Reaching the UK in 2012 Uber is now in many UK cities.

And it seems they don’t want to stop there. Not content with conquering the public transport industry, Uber are branching out into delivery, too.


UberEATS is a food delivery app, assisting restaurants without a delivery service. As with Uber the app is pretty simple to use. Firstly, you can use the same log-in details for both apps which also use the same payment details.

Once logged in all you have to do is choose the restaurant and dishes that are right for you. Then your food is delivered by bicycle or moped (much more convenient in a city) and your app keeps you updated throughout the process.

During June UberEATS was launched in London, delivering food from over 150 restaurants. The twist – they’re not your average British takeaway establishments. Sandwich and salad bars are amongst the restaurants using UberEATS providing the people of London with a wider takeaway selection.


Across Europe courier networks are under pressure from ecommerce giant, Amazon. Now it looks like there could be another competitor entering the courier market in the form of a convenient app, UberRUSH.

Although UberRUSH has no plans to enter the UK the app seems convenient and simple to use. UberRUSH connects you with nearby couriers who can pick up and deliver your parcels.

UberRUSH & Couriers

When Uber first came to the UK it sparked much controversy amongst traditional black cab and taxi drivers. So, is this a sign of things to come for couriers?

Although Uber currently have no plans to launch UberRUSH in the UK the market does look extremely attractive. According to a report by parcelhero the UK courier market is worth £7.1 billion. Just capturing 10% of the market could translate into a £700milion win for Uber. But with an attractive market comes other competitors.

Over the next few years there are several courier services set to launch in the UK, each providing a convenient service. There’s Piggybaggy – “Ride-sharing for goods” and Nimber – “send it with someone going that way, anyway”.

These new entrants could prove to be main competitors for the likes of Royal Mail, especially as the demand for same day delivery increases.

For courier drivers the app will offer flexibility, is location specific and pays you for each delivery you make. This means couriers could say “bye bye” to long working hours and Sunday deliveries. However depending on how you manage your time it could also lead to less money.

With so many factors set to effect the courier market there may be a shift in operation which could lead to controversy between traditional and new couriers, but only time will tell.

Courier Insurance

UberRUSH may not be in the UK yet but if Uber’s car service is anything to go by it’s important to get some things straightened out before it arrives.

Namely the courier insurance! As you may know Uber drivers are in charge of their own insurance and this has created a lot of confusion. Drivers aren’t always aware of the insurance they require and some have gotten into trouble for this. So if you’re thinking ‘UberRUSH sounds good to me’ then be prepared to sort out your own insurance.

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